Lack of Enthusiasm and Focus

Low Productivity and Procrastination

Negativity and Conflicting Mindset

Lack of Personal and Professional Development

Fear of Public speaking and meetings

Fear of failure

Negative Money Beliefs (over-spending / not spending)
When you have been battered by stress and anxiety, when you doubt yourself and the fears are dominating your life, you cannot reach your full potential. That lack mentality will lead you to progress and regress or to limit your possibilities of progression, even affecting your finances.
Some of the most commons behaviours are:

Lack of Enthusiasm and Focus

Low Productivity and Procrastination

Negativity and Conflicting Mindset

Lack of Personal and Professional Development

Fear of Public speaking and meetings

Negative Money Beliefs (over-spending or not spending at all)

Fear of failure

Lost of direction in life

The Beat Anxiety and Gain Confidence System Aims to cover every single aspect that is affecting your mindset. Subconscious memories and beliefs can lead you to succeed or derail, without being aware that you are being limited by a story stored in your mind, one that is most of the time 100% a lie.
We all come to this life with a purpose and with a potential to create a positive impact in the world. Your mission is to fulfil that purpose and ours to guide you to get there.
There is always a priority and a set way of doing this, as the famous psychologist Maslow explains in his Pyramid of Needs (above). Stress, anxiety and lack of confidence can hinder all your efforts
Let us help you to achieve your Self Actualisation by booking your Free Consultation Here…

Anxiety and fears keeping me from progressing with things I want to achieve in my life – Personal & Professional Development
“The best thing I have achieved is recognising and disrupting, for positive change, negative habitual thoughts and actions."
Maria provided a safe and informed environment in which I could make choices to bring about profound changes in the way I think and behave. My purpose was to deal with Anxiety and fears keeping me from progressing with things I want to achieve in my life.
The tools given were very helpful, going through the process of understanding the problems, deciding on change and reinforcing the solution especially during trance was very powerful. The sessions have left me with a better understanding of how to design and reinforce positive thinking and attitude for the future. The main change is a recognition of self-value and strength. I have also been left with tools to analyse and rectify new problems as and when life hands them out. The best thing I have achieved is recognising and disrupting, for positive change, negative habitual thoughts and actions.
Wade – London Office

Communication difficulties and nerves at a professional level.
“I don’t fear communicating with colleagues or bosses”
I had a challenge with being able to communicate for previous years and it became so bad that during conference calls at work I would get sweaty palms and felt, actually I don’t think I can talk about what I need to discuss, because it will be wrong anyway (a mini anxiety attack)! So, I was stumbling as I was speaking and when I paused, it felt like a 1000 years had gone by.
I contacted Maria and the first session was definitely an immediate impact and as the weeks/sessions (6) went by, all of the symptoms mentioned above started to go away to the point of never returning.
It has been nearly a year now since we had our first session and I can honestly say, the best investment of my life. I don’t fear communicating with colleagues or bosses and I just say what I feel in a pragmatic and logical way. Not stumbling on my words and when I pause, I do it intentionally as a communication tool. I am really grateful and extremely happy right now. I would really recommend anyone to just give it a try.
Thank you Maria!
Jasmine – London