Providing Help to Victims of Childhood Emotional Neglect
Posted on 28th January 2023 at 17:03
Physical abuse is widely known and recognized to do much damage to children. Childhood emotional neglect, although invisible at most times, can be damaging at the long-term as physical abuse. If it is unaddressed, its wounds are lifelong.
Childhood emotional neglect can be described as an act of omission by parents to fulfill the emotional, sometimes physical needs of their kids. It is a parent’s failure to act, hence can be viewed as the opposite of abuse or mistreatments which are actions by the parent.
People who were raised up being neglected often don’t realize that their life’s struggles could be as a result of the emotional neglect they experienced as children. Children who were neglected grow up having difficulties in trusting their own emotions or even knowing it or find trusting others difficult.
Recognizing if one had experienced childhood emotional neglect will help educate an individual meet their emotional needs and break the emotional cycle neglect in their relationships as this trait is often relayed to children whose parents were also neglected emotionally.
Cases of childhood emotionally neglect have been confirmed in different places and societies, its effects can be identified when closely considered.
Traits of Adults who Experience childhood Emotional Neglect
Lack of sense of belonging
Victims of childhood emotional neglect usually want to be alone and lack comfort in social settings. They experience feelings of not fitting in anywhere even amongst friends and family. They find comfort with animals or items other than with people.
Difficult on themselves
Victims of childhood emotional neglect are often disappointed with themselves. They judge and condemn themselves harshly than others. This could be an effect of being deprived of enough compassion or emotional nurturing as children.
Feelings of Isolation
Victims segregate themselves occasionally and believe the could live in isolation easily. They view themselves in social settings as looking in from the outside and not part of the system.
Are distant with their feelings
Identifying their emotions is a huge problem for them. They are easily irritated and usually unhappy for no obvious reason. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses can be a huge challenge for them.
Proud of their independence
As they tend to live like islands, isolating themselves, they find looking for external help very difficult and develop a huge sense of pride on their achievements.
Providing help to victims of childhood emotional neglect
Becoming self-aware has been identified as the first step in overcoming emotional neglect. Time is required to do this. Spending time to identify and realize their emotional state will help create the self awareness needed in curbing the effects of neglect.
Asking for help and pushing themselves out of their comfort zones is another way they can break free from the effects of emotional neglect. Since victims of emotional neglect have the false sense of security on being able to survive alone, looking for ways others can fit in when self solutions are not viable will help greatly.
Accepting what they are and striving to be better is another way to break the shackles of emotional neglect.
Seeking professional help in the form of therapy will go a long way in freeing victims from the shackles of emotional neglect. We help victims of emotional neglect to overcome their challenges using a wide range of therapeutical techniques.
Tagged as: Childhood Emotional Neglect, Emotional Abuse, Emotional Healing, Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Neglect, Mental Health, Mental health awareness, Personal Development, self-awareness, Self-improvement, Therapy
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