Transform Your Life with Expert-Led Emotional Intelligence and Professional Excellence Solutions
Explore my comprehensive 12- week emotional mastery and career advancement programme to elevate your personal and professional performance.
A Winning Approach to Emotional Intelligence and Career Excellence
Transform your life into a thriving ecosystem of emotional mastery and peak professional performance.
My Breakthrough FREEDOM Framework is a holistic approach designed to elevate both emotional intelligence and career excellence. It seamlessly integrates various methodologies to create a synergistic effect, driving sustainable growth and a thriving professional life.
OFFERING - Tailored Emotional Intelligence and Career Advancement Strategies The FREEDOM (Foundational Roadmap for Emotional Empowerment, Excellence, and Dynamic Organisational Management) Framework
Using The F.R.E.E.D.O.M System for an Empowered and Successful Professional Life
My Blueprint for Success
At The FREEDOM Framework, I offer a comprehensive 12 week programme to support your emotional, professional, and personal development. My tailored solution addresses the unique challenges you face, enhancing emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and career advancement abilities.
With a focus on promoting holistic growth, my programme offers a flexible solution to address your specific needs. From fear mastery and resilience building to empathetic leadership and mindful practices, my comprehensive approach equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to excel in your career and drive personal and professional success..
By investing in your emotional intelligence and professional development, you can attract success, increase engagement and confidence, and drive career growth.
Equip yourself with the right tools and strategies to drive peak performance, foster emotional mastery, and achieve breakthrough results in your career.
"The F.R.E.E.D.OM Framework"
Programme Benefits:
Enhanced Emotional Intelligence:
Develop key competencies such as empathy, self-awareness, and emotional regulation for effective leadership.
Advanced Psychological Tools:
Implement proven methods for reducing fear, enhancing resilience, and optimising mental states for peak performance.
Career Advancement Strategies:
Cultivate skills for professional growth, including empathetic leadership and mindful management practices.
Self-Motivation and Performance Optimization:
Learn effective strategies to inspire and motivate yourself, foster a positive mindset, and drive professional engagement.
Mindful Leadership and Innovation:
Navigate career changes with agility and lead yourself and others through successful transformations.
Your Twelve-Week Transformative Journey
Empower yourself with targeted skill development over the course of twelve weekly individual sessions.
My programme offers a flexible solution to address your specific needs. From fear mastery and emotional intelligence to mindful leadership and career advancement, my comprehensive approach equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to excel in your professional life and drive personal and career success.
Experience the Breakthrough Difference in Your Sessions
My exclusive one-to-one system goes beyond traditional career development by integrating the power of emotional intelligence and psychological mastery. This unique approach equips you with the tools and strategies to build a thriving personal and professional life.
The changes in your emotional, psychological, and professional well-being flow naturally, without having to fight against your mind to convince yourself to act or think differently.
An improvement that acts as a domino effect cascading to all areas of life, leading my clients to live more emotionally balanced, professionally successful, and fulfilling lives.
If you have had enough of conventional career coaching and you are ready to consider a different approach that integrates emotional mastery, this is the time to book your free consultation.
Career Development without Emotional Growth is just surface-level change!
Is this the only therapy option available?
Absolutely not! You have more options than you might think. If you prefer a different approach, you can still choose The Beat Anxiety & Gain Confidence System, The S.C.A.L.E.S Program, Group Therapy or Guided Therapy on the Go.
Flexibility is key, and we want to ensure that you have the freedom to select the best path that suits your needs and preferences. So, feel free to explore all the available choices and decide what works best for you.
The focus is on your growth and well-being, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Let's embark on this journey together, tailored to your unique requirements!

Here you will find a list of the difficulties that our customers have successfully solved with our help. Do not hesitate to contact us if your difficulty is not described here.

I am not good enough

I cannot overcome this

Life is so hard

I am not loved

I can’t learn

I am not enough

I am an impostor

I am not clever

I am not capable

I am slow

I am not honest

I am not valued

I cannot progress

I feel unappreciated

I am not resourceful

People will not like me

I will be rejected

I can't make friends.

I better not go out.

I am uncomfortable around people

I do not know what to say. I am not interesting enough

I cannot leave this relationship as I may not find anyone else that love me.

Anxiety, low self-esteem and everything that goes along with that, quite deep-seated. Also, work-related issues.
“I can assess issues and events much more rationally and focus on the positive elements of my life.”
I worked with Maria mostly by Skype. I started out relatively cynical and had turned to this therapy as a last resort. I chose Maria initially because I really liked her profile and there was a warmth to her even on paper. This turned out to be exactly who she was in person – patient, knowledgeable and I was able to trust her instantly. She dispelled my cynicism by the first session and was clear about what we might be able to achieve in the sessions – no hard sell, just facts which helped to put me at ease. I have gained/achieved a lot and what was especially helpful were the mp3’s she provides to reinforce the work we have done. I’m still finding them useful, specially using self-hypnosis for anxiety. I am now able to disconnect from emotions I associate with my self-consciousness around new people. This was a real problem socially. In addition, work pressures were increasingly harder to deal with and I was struggling with basic life chores and duties – I had given up on life and was just going through the motions. With a bit of hard work as we did, I am now motivated. I can assess issues and events much more rationally and focus on the positive elements of my life of which there are many. I definitely could not have said that before the therapy. I did twelve sessions and noticed changes from day one. I will definitely recommend – yes, YES, YES!
Maria, it is no exaggeration to say that you have saved my soul if not my life. You were my last resort. I wish you had been my first, but without the struggle I may not have appreciated what you have helped me achieve.
Thank you
Jen – Skype

Anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, relationships, childhood issues, work issues
“I realised that I AM an ok and lovable person, with much to give and skills to tap into”
I was spending most days in bed, feeling unmotivated and uninterested in life. As well as benefiting from the sessions I attended, other tools provided e.g. listening to mp3 hypnotherapy files, and Maria’s warmth and encouragement helped me realise that I AM an ok and lovable person, with much to give and skills to tap into. By writing daily goals, I have rediscovered my artistic talents and am enjoying creating beaded butterflies which are symbolic of the emergence and sense of freedom I now feel.
The sessions helped me realise what I can do and achieve by overcoming fear; to come to terms with painful childhood issues and to use coping skills with difficult family relationships.
I feel motivated, happy and have a sense of freedom. I am now able to go out at any time of the day.
Caroline Butterfly Wings – Bexhill